Saturday, January 16, 2010


I'm at home right now recovering from hernia surgery. It feels kind of weird to have had this surgery, because the situation wasn't quite dire yet-- I mean it was troublesome and uncomfortable, but not immediately life threatening-- but still I made the decision to allow someone to cut into me with a blade, or scalpel, or Martha Stewart Santoku knife, or whatever they use. I know that some people have surgery ALL THE TIME. I can't imagine it. For me, it's incredibly hard just to have to go a week without walking, to have to take pain pills, and to get out of my regular schedule. Sure, it's nice to not have to go to my job for a few days, and have more time to read. And I'm finding time, obviously, to write THIS. But I would trade in an awful lot-- maybe even my 3-D triple action Pete Rose/Darryl Strawberry/Steve Sax baseball card-- for perfect health and an uninterrupted, creative, writing schedule.

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